Variation 37

#wholebow #upbowstaccato #gliss #options

            Like with many previous variations, practice this one with both up bow staccato and up bow spiccato. This is the last variation to feature this type of whole bow up bow spiccato/staccato stroke. Here Ševčík incorporates a playful glissando at the beginning of the measures. Enjoy this sliding gesture that launches the subsequent articulated notes. Remember that a glissando is played with the bow, not the left hand. Keep the bow in the string for the glissando and then quickly articulate the 16th and eighth notes. This variation features an asymmetric bowing pattern whereby three beats of the common time bar are on the up bow and one beat (4th beat) of the measure is on the down bow, thereby necessitating a rapid down bow to get back to the tip in time for the glissando at the downbeat of the next measure. Although glissandi are not indicated on every bar, apply the technique where possible by playing the first two notes of each measure on the same string and highlighting the slide.

            To start, practice this variation vastly under tempo while ensuring a clearly articulated stroke. Regardless of whether you choose to prioritize an up bow spiccato stroke for the final performance iteration, practice the under-tempo versions with an on the string stroke to help map out the bow distribution for the articulated notes beneath the slurs.


Variation 36


Variation 38