Variation 29
#spiccato #sautille #bowlift
1. Bow lift
2. Slur + up bow spiccato
3. Down bow spiccato + slur
4. Fast slur + up bow spiccato
5. Sautillé
Like Variation 10, this variation calls upon the player to rapidly switch between spiccato and slurred strokes. In this variation the switch occurs after every quarter note beats rather than after every two quarter note beats. To help dissipate any extraneous bow bounce on the slurred notes, change the amount of hair/tilt that is being used for each stroke. For the spiccato, flatter bow hair promotes a healthy bounce, so tilting the hair slightly away from you helps absorb any unwanted bounces.
In the beginning, practice with all slurs and/or all spiccato to get accustomed to the left-hand challenge before attempting the spiccato + slur combination.