Variation 8
#sautillé #spiccato
Variation 8 combines elements from Variation 2 and Variation 6. Notably, the use of an on the string sautillé type stroke for the 16th notes, and an off the string spiccato type stroke for the eighth notes. What separates this from the previous similar variations is that this one is entirely at the frog, and alternates strokes every two beats rather than every three beats.
The challenge here is to utilize finger and wrist mobility to successfully execute the two strokes. Avoid using too much upper arm. The bow placement at the frog limits the use of the forearm, thereby promoting greater use of the fingers and wrist. Allow the full weight of the arm to help sustain the forte dynamic throughout. In addition, even though there are no changes of dynamics marked in this variation (and others), allow your musical intuition to guide the phrasing of dynamics within the global forte character and dynamic.