Variation 19


            This variation contains clearly marked ) symbols within the articulated two note slurs in the beginning of each bar. These imply a slight lift of the bow to accommodate what can be referred to as up bow spiccato. In contrast to up bow staccato, up bow spiccato involves the stroke starting from the air and the bow bouncing off the string between notes.

            Since the speed of this variation is a fast 144 to the quarter note, keep the bow bouncing close to the string while allowing the natural quality of bounce in the string and stick to propel the bow off the string.

            It can help to start the practice of this variation by playing it with the up bow staccato stroke, keeping the bow on the string, and allowing the articulation and release of each note to occur within the bounce of the stick, but not the hair. With this exercise the hair stays on the string, and it challenges your ability to quickly articulate and release the stroke through the engagement of the fingers. Recall the feeling in Variation 1 of engaging the up bow retakes with the fingers and wrist.


Variation 18


Variation 20