Variation 11

#bowlift #sautillé

This variation combines the bow lift motion from Variation 7 and 9 and the sautillé stroke from 6 and 8. The start of each measure (before the piano section on the second line) requires the bow to return to the lower half. After the first note, the bow will likely travel beyond the middle point. With the three eighths in each measure, lift your bow toward the frog with each ) marked in the score. This is in a way similar to a retake but goes one step further by travelling past the point of the previous stroke and closer to the frog.

The second section with the 16th notes indicates a crescendo to forte, with the final set of 16th notes being played at the frog. In tandem with the crescendo, move the playing point on the hair closer to the frog with each measure to reinforce the crescendo to forte. This will add more natural weight as you crescendo. Be sure to maintain a clean articulation on the string stroke as the 16th notes crescendo.


Variation 10


Variation 12